sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2012

STRIDE Script - Fuels Non Stop Nonsense


A guy dressed in a pink rabbit costume, buying some stuff and putting it on a bag in a great mood. He acts like he was perfectly well dressed. The lady doesn’t think that he’s normal but she doesn’t say anything.

PINK RABBIT - Thank you m’am. Have a nice day.

He smiles to the lady that served him and leaves to the door.


When he’s opening the door and coming out the store, he is rolled over by a black teenage guy with an hip hop style in his skate. The two of them hit the floor. Both get up very quickly. They start to cleaning themselves up.

BLACK GUY - Yô Batman, watch out where you’re going.

The pink rabbit looks to the black guy surprised.


BLACK GUY - Sorry… Robin!?

The pink rabbit gets even more surprised but suddenly changes like it was a normal question.

PINK RABBIT - Close. It’s Rob, not Robiiiin. But Rob. Actually Rob the Rabbit.

BLACK GUY - Why do you want me to rob you?

The pink rabbit stays incredulous and a little angry.

PINK RABBIT - No, asshole! My nickname is Rob the rabbit.And by the way, I love it.

The black guy gives him a “WTF” look, shaking his head like he was saying ”no”. With his finger he points to the costume and moves it up and down (the finger).

BLACK GUY - I see it! You robbed a rabbit. So people call you Rob the Rabbit.

The pink rabbit gets angry.

PINK RABBIT - Noooo! My name is Rob and I like rabbits.

BLACK GUY - You like them so much that you rob them.

The pink rabbit gets very angry.

PINK RABBIT - NOOO!!! Since a kid that my father had a farm with lots of rabbits.

BLACK GUY - Ahhhh!!! It’s in the family . Now I see… Your father taught you how to rob rabbits. It’s a family tradition. Niceeee.

The pink rabbit reaches his hand to his forehead and shakes it. He accepts that is worthless to try to explain.

PINK RABBIT - Oh my dear lord. I’m going to kill myself.

BLACK GUY - Don’t do that Robin.

The pink rabbit takes a deep breath.


BLACK GUY - You have to decide. Do you want to rob or kill yourself?

(CONT’D) Both ways are impossible. Make up your mind. Actually to rob yourself it’s kind of stupid.

The pink rabbit goes retorical.

PINK RABBIT - You think?

BLACK GUY - Oh yes I do. I really do. Do you know what else is stupid?

PINK RABBIT - No. But I bet that you’re going to tell me.

BLACK GUY - NOPE! By the way, did you bought gum ? I’m going to meet my girl and i didn’t brush my teeth.

PINK RABBIT - Oh yeah, the best.

The pink rabbit takes a pack of STRIDE from the bag and shows it to the black guy

PINK RABBIT (CONT’D) - I bought stride

The black guy gets really really excited. Like a 10 year old boy. He starts to jump repeatadly like a kid when he’s about to receaive something he loves.

BLACK GUY - Ohh, I love them, can i have one? Please? Please? ; Pretty please?

The pink rabbit looks at him from above and very convict.


The black guy opens his eyes surprised.He’s sad. He wasn’t expecting this answer.

The pink rabbit smiles ironicly and starts walking to the car lot. The black guy remains in the same place watching him incredulous.

Suddenly, we see lights aproaching. It’s a car. The lights point directly to the pink rabbit. He stays freezed. He can’t move.He stays freezed in an egipcian position. He moves only his eyes to the left and right.

PINK RABBIT - Fuck, not again!!

As he sees this, the black guy goes to him. He smiles like a devil smile. He walks slow and bounces his body like he was provoking. The pink rabbit stays in the exact same position. The black guy takes the pack of stride from the pink rabbit. He can’t do anything but his face show us that he’s struggling but worthless. The black guy takes one gum and leaves the pack on the top of the pink rabbit’s head.

BLACK GUY - Thanks Rob. You’re the rabbit!

The pink rabbit looks up to his head but not moving one inch.

The black guy walks away chewing his gum on his skate whistling. He does this with lots of calm like a victory dance.

The pink rabbit fells in the same position on the ground. The lights of the car turn down.

The man from the car was searching for something inside the car. He finally finds it in the glove compartment. He shows a pack of stride.


The pink rabbit gets up quickly and starts to run like he woke up just now and he didn’t know where he was.

The guy from the car walks to the store and sees all of the nervous rabbit. He’s thinking.

GUY FROM THE CAR (CONT’D) - Did that guy robbed a rabbit?

He lets it go.



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